HoLLAY...... 足迹
Born in 吉隆坡 and always dream of travelling to explore my passion and curiosity in abroad.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Meaningful Advert
Recently, a good friend of mine, BH asked me whether I heard about a meaningful advert by Petronas that broadcasted in Msia during Lunar New Year. Initially, he thought of not telling me, as the meaning behind the advert might upset me indirectly. Thus, he just told me briefly that it’s about “family love” and plenty of audience praised it in the papers after watching it.
For curiosity, I tried to search that advert in Google, but found only a blog commented about that advert in Star Press of Malaysia. The following is the story about, which I copy directly from the blog, other than putting a link that may not link through forever:-
<<<<< Four silver haired ladies are chatting in a what look like an old folks' home. Lady One boasts of a businessman son who makes RM450,000 per annum, Lady Two has a Accountant son who bought a posh house in Damansara, Lady Three has a London based surgeon son who charges 20,000 sterling pound for an operation, and does two operations per day! Then they turn to Lady Four, "What about your son?" they ask. "My son is alright" she replies "he's coming to pick me up" and sure enough (like all movie) a Proton Iswara (there's a message here, please note, not a Merc or BMW, not even a Proton Waja) appears in the driveway. Lady Four's face lit up "That's my son! He's come to pick me now." She hoddles off as her son got out of the car to recieve her. As she is whisked off, the three ladies can only wave and look longingly at Lady Four who waves back with a benign smile on her face. >>>>>
After reading it, my wife and I felt so guilty for being like one of the ladies’ son, except that we are not earning enormously. She even asked whether we are getting selfish gradually without our knowing. I didn’t know how to answer and comfort her, as I was in a dilemma too. So, she ended up wet her pillow on that night. Hopefully, our parents can understand our difficulties during this transition period.
I shared this story with my colleague who has been migrated to UK and away from parents of thousand miles for many years. He felt as guilty as us, after hearing it and even asked me to forward him that advert when I found it, so that he could share with his wife. Unfortunately, I told him he would have problem to understand it, as that advert was filmed in Hokkien dialect.
Hang on...here is the advert. I managed to find it 2 weeks later. Indeed, it's very touched.
Thursday, November 10, 2005

Since I was young, I love cakes so much, especially “Pandan” flavour sponge and banana cakes. However, I hardly had cakes during my childhood, as cakes are more expensive than bread. Yet, I still find bread is more economical. So, 80% of my daily breakfast is with bread and butter/ margarine.
I never made cake on my own until I come to the UK this year. The first cake that I baked was banana cake and it was learned from my Japanese housemate. Erm…perhaps I would have learnt more cakes from her, if she is still with us. Unfortunately, she had left us and returned to Japan for good. Well, I wish her business is doing well.
My banana cakes didn’t form well in the first few rounds. So, I thought of blaming our old oven’s heating element and also, without having a weighing scale. Initially, I got my measurement by leveling the packaging. However, the results still remained unchanged even I’ve bought a scales and fine-tuned the oven temperature several times. Didn’t know what went wrong till I spotted there was substantial discrepancy on the banana cake ingredient ratio that printed on the flour packaging against my recipe. Thus, I tried with the new recipe and the cake formed perfectly well thereafter. Here, I reckon need not to mention about the recipe and instruction, as they can be found easily from any search engine, if you want.
Since then, I am delighted by knowing to make my favourite banana cake, as I can have more cake without worrying about its cost. Other than banana cake, I know to make Chocolate cake, which is 靖然 favourite. Of course, she knows to bake both cakes as well. Just knew that, I have a nephew, who loves cake so much and caused her mum to source for the bakery processor from the UK. Perhaps, most of the kids love cake.
My next mission is to learn sponge cake. Yum..Yum.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
不知不觉来了英国已有一年了。在这段日子里,我更爱上了一位不专业的理发师,并专业绘计师。 当然她就是我的老婆大人啦。昨天,又一次的让她给修了一个“靓仔头”;真爽!
因此, 我都舍不得到理发屋剪;便提议给老婆做Guinea Pig 来给我剪发算了。还得要三翻四次的请求下,她才敢拿起剪刀。你或许想她一定修得不错吧! 不然的话,为何我还给她剪到如今呢?当然不是啦!除了,这里歪了些;那里平度与厚薄不均之外;勉强还可以啦! 因为我知道除了我老婆以外,没人会仔细看我的头发的。所以她因此而成了我的私家不专业理发师了。当然,她目前的理发艺,也渐渐的进步了。
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Chamaedorea (Parlour Palm)
Today is our 4th year wedding anniversary and indeed, we are delighted with a plant that we just bought from Marks & Spencer this morning. It called “Chamaedorea”, which originated from Mexico, Guatemala and Belize. It may grow up to 4m outside, rarely over 2.5m when grown as an indoor plant.
靖然 told me she was tempted to buy a plant that she had eyed for quite some times last night and I never thought she was actually meant for the same plant that I used to own, when I was a student in 1999. Erm…hardly imagine how tall my first Chamaedorea plant would be, if I would have kept it till now.
I was so surprised and happy when I saw Chamaedorea again. Indeed, we are very happy to have Chamaedorea be part of our family members.
It was quite windy just now. What so silly was we both were so worried to leave our beloved Chamaedorea to face the strong wind outside the window, though we know outdoor is where it should belong to. Apparently, we are just over protective. So, what would you reckon, if that is our first born baby instead…….Sigh!
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Since July 05, the Yuan is no longer pegged against US dollar for the first time in a decade, followed by Malaysia in days later to un-peg RM that fixed at 3.8 against US dollar since the Asian financial crisis in 97.
I was really shocked when I heard about the news, as Chinese export always benefited from the cheap Yuan and what bothered China to change if indeed cheap Yuan is good for them. Could it be being pressured to revaluate Yuan by its counterparts, esp US from time to time?
Although the pegs are gone officially, but both currencies are still float to a limited extend against a basket of currencies to stabilise their currency and prevent from huge daily fluctuation. So, do you think the pegs are really gone or have been broaden in a hidden way? Let’s make your own judgement.
As we know, it is quite impossible for syndicates to attack any currency substantially, if it is associated with a basket of other currencies, unless they attack the whole basket, where US dollar also in there. Apparently, this is a very smart strategy being used by China to deal with its export rivals whom always blamed on unfair competitiveness due to cheap currency.
Furthermore, China has just overtaken Japan on this year and owns the largest foreign-exchange reserves in the world. Furthermore, it reserves more than 3 times of its current-account surplus; whereas US is suffering the largest current-account deficit that doubt countries to hold US dollar any longer.
Having known other than the trade surpluses, in-flow of foreign direct investment and speculative capital are the main cause of the increase in China reserve, which is their main weapon in fighting against future crisis.
Well, to put it in a nutshell, don't feel surprise if China developed much quicker than you thought and also, dominated the world economies in the next few decades.
Friday, September 23, 2005
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Friday, September 16, 2005
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Friday, July 29, 2005
Spain (Barcelona & Madrid) - June '05

Europe’s most unconventional church, the Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Familia, is an emblem of a city that likes to think of itself as individualistic.

It's a greatest work of a well known architect, Gaudi since year 1883. At his death only one tower had been completed, but work resumed after the Civil War and several more have since been finished to his original plans. Work being continued even till now and financed by public subscription. Find out more about SagradaFamilia

It is designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, the Parc Guell is Anotni Gaudi’s most colourful creation.
He was commissioned in the 1890s by Count Eusebi Guell to design a garden city on 20 hectares (50 acres) of the family estate.

Mercat de Sant Josep, also Known as La Boqueria, which is Barcelona's most colourful food market. However, the fruits there are not cheap, though spain is one of the largest fruit exporters in Europe region.

Mercat de Sant Josep, also Known as La Boqueria, which is Barcelona's most colourful food market. However, the fruits there are not cheap, though spain is one of the largest fruit exporters in Europe region.
Here is the typical Paella dish. Personally, I would say that it is quite similar to Chinese seafood fried rice, though the rice texture is much softer. To me, it looks more attractive than it's taste.
Palacio de Cominicaciones, occupying one corner of the Plaza de Cibeles, this impressive building is the headquarters of Spain’s postal service. There was an Olympic logo on top of the building, as Madrid was bidding to host the 2012 Olympic, but defeated by London at last.

Templo de Debod, the authentic Egyptian temple of Debod was built in the 2nd century BC. It was given to Spain in 1968 by the Egyptian government as a tribute to Spanish engineers involved in rescuing ancient monuments from the flood-waters of the Aswan Dam on the River Nile. Find out more about Templo de Debod.

Puerta de Europa twin towers survived a financial scandal and now seem to defy gravity as they lean over Paseo de la Castellana. These are the first leaning towers that we have seen so far. Next, I am looking forward to seeing Pisa tower. Find out more about Puerta de Europa.

Protestors went naked to against increasing dependency on fossil fuel that caused global warming. The group appeared suddenly right behind us, while we were about crossing the remaining half of the road. After the trip, then only we learnt that it happened in many countries on the same day. That's really a cool experience.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Netherlands (Amsterdam, Lisse, Groningen) - Apr '05

Keukenhof, well known for its spring bulbs display. Of course, that is the biggest and most colourful field bulbs that I ever seen so far.

You can simply find all kinds of tulips there (from white colour till black). Don't miss it, if you were there in around April. Find out more about keukenhof

Bulb Field

Should visit this bulb field, if happened that you were there in Keukenhof. It is located besides of Keukenhof and it's free by the way.

Holland is continually increasing in size by reclaiming


So sorry, can't give you a lift, due to space constraint. One of the popular buggy in Netherlands.

Isn't it cool? Another pollution free taxi, which operated by dynamo. I saw it in Spain too, but not in the UK. However, UK has got tricycle which can be found in Melaka.

Persoanally, I will vote for Netherlands, a country concerns so much about recycling and pollution. Moreover, plastic bags are not given for free
everywhere in Netherlands to avoid misuse, even you do your marketing there.
I was impressed by the bottle recycling machine found

As I know, other than Netherlands, charging of plastic bag has been imposed in many other developed countries like, Germany, Korea, etc. But, it's ashamed that not in the UK.